Webpages by Spruce
Showcase of web pages designed, built, and maintained by Spruce Software:
- Cliff's Cycles
- Local KTM motorcycle dealership
- King Philip Youth Soccer
- Built following the pattern established by the original page creator that transferred the partially complete page.
- Norfolk, MA Community Home Page
- This page is maintained for the fun of it on a pro bono basis by the webmaster. Since he started, it has become the greatest sinkhole of his free time. All graphics and artwork are original.
- Spruce Software
- You are already viewing the home page of Spruce Software. Like in the story about the two barbers, one with a terrible haircut and the other with a very nice haircut, this page has received the least attention of the ones listed here.
- Lapsed sites:
- Cafe Cycle
- On-line motorcycle accessories and customizaation.
- Enchanted Whisk
- Built for a friend who started her own Personal Chef service. Eventually discontinued in favor of a personal training business (without a web presence :-)
- Eventus
- Developed for a relative who was starting her own small business. The logo and typeface were provided by the client, the color scheme was chosen to match. Much of the text is original, and was summarized from notes and business plans. The firm eventually was bought out, but I left the site still viewable.
- Fine Cycle
- motorcycle removal and salvage, specializing in older Japanese bikes (just like mine, actually...)
- Web page for the local public-access cable TV station, Norfolk Community Television.
- N E Schooner Mortgage
- Local office of New England Schooner Mortgage, page for an indepenent mortgage consultant.
- Norfolk Animal Control
- Page was built and is maintained pro bono on request by the town animal control officer, who happens to be a personal friend.
- Norfolk Cooperative Preschool
- Page contents and layout were provided as informational handout to Norfolknet readers; page was formatted and is hosted as a courtesy to town residents.
- Norfolk Cooperative Preschool
- Full web page for the preschool. Text was from handouts and parent brochures, graphics a combination of supplied photos and edited text/logos.
- Town of Norfolk Municipal Page
- As part of running Norfolknet, the opportunity arose to volunteer to build a municipal page for the town government. This was a much more elaborate undertaking than the other pages listed here, since the municipal page needed to support sophisticated, interactive services. Spruce software suggested that the town form a website committee, recruited volunteers, and contributed the script-writing skills to the effort. The results - an script-driven, self-administered, self-maintaining web site for town hall and its employees - speak for themselves.